Last night I had the opportunity to preach at my church, Primera Bautista en Las Milpas. My message was about breaking the chains…and leaving a Legacy. Being Hispanic, God has allowed me to grow up in a wonderful home, God fearing home. Unfortunately that is not the case for many hispanic families. I challenged the dads in my church to Ephesians 6:4…to train and raise up their children in the Lord. Deutoronomy also tells fathers in what to do. To raise their children in the WORD of the Lord…to teach them that there is only one LORD. God also warns those that do not obey the commandments, God will punish the sins of the Father up to the 3rd and 4th generations. As look across unto the Hipanic cultural, I beleive we are suffering because of our fore fathers did not fear the Lord. We lead in most high school drop out, teenage pregnacy, most inmates in prison and in poverty. I beleive God is giving us what we wanted. I challenge my faith family to break the cycle and follow the LORD.