tim ramos

Guatemala Day 34

Well my day are narrowing down here in Guatemala.  Time sure has flown bye.  I am kind of bummed about heading back home.  God has really blessed my time here and wish I could stay longer.  I see myself coming back pretty soon for a longer period of time.  There is just so much work to be done over here and I really want to help.  My heart goes out to alot of places and hopefuly God would allow me to  visit those places as well. 

One of the thoughest issue for me is what do I do next.  I just want to be obedient to the Lord, and want to grow more in faith in HIM.  Sometimes it doesn’t make sense following Jesus, but I want to be willing and ready for whatever He wants me to do.  If I stay in the US, I feel the Lord leading me to start a church.  I feel that the church is in a decline spiritualy in the states.  Very few churches are actually getting what it means to be a follower of Jesus.  I am not saying I have all the answers to solve the issues, but God has really given me a passion to reach out to the community in a different way.  I have really been enjoying listening to David Platt, pastor of The Church at Brookhills.  I love what he is doing and how he is really challenging his congregation to step it up and live the only way possible and that is a Radical life for Jesus. 

Please pray that my next few days would be fruitful here in Guatemala for His Kingdom.


tim ramos

Guatemala Day 30

Today was a great day of worship in the House of the Lord.  It is beautiful to get together with other brothers and sisters and worship our Saviour.  Friday and Saturday I hosted a revival at the church here in Guatemala.  My passion is to see young people seeking and following the Lord.  To many are caught up in this world of junk, but I fight the battle to see people come to Christ.  So Friday and Saturday was a time to come together and here the WORD preached.  God moved in a mighty way.  The situations that many teenagers come from really scares me.  Their living conditions, education and just the things they face in life make me feel like a wimp.  These teenagers are going through a tough time.  I spoke on God’s love for them and how they could be the ones to change the cycle of their families situations.  Many do not have hope, are discouraged and lost, but many broke down and were able to talk about some of the junk in their lives.  Please continue to pray for these youth so God would put his hands around them and guide them in HIS steps.

God has been teaching me many things.  Sometimes I feel like not even going back to the states.  I have really enjoyed my time here and the need is great here.  Our lives in America is so comfortable and our spiritual lives seem very weak.  Please pray for me as I seek the Lord for my future, to be obedient to HIM.


tim ramos

Guatemala Day 24

These last couple of weeks being here in Guatemala, I have been going over “Crazy Love”  by Francis Chan and “Radical”  by David Platt and of course diggin in the WORD.  God has really been diggin into my heart and shaping me to be more like HIM.  I can’t find any thing more satisfying than sharing the Gospel of Jesus to people.  My prayer is that God would continue to take away the things in my life that do not honor Him.  I want to have a Crazy Love for Jesus and live a Radical life for HIM.  As the apostle Paul wrote, I account all cost for the sake of the Gospel, that everyone may have a chance of hearing the name of Jesus.  There is so much need here in Guatemala, and I cannot imagine the rest of the world.  God is faithful and raising up a generation of people to go unto the world, but we need more people with a crazy and radical love for Jesus.  Are you willing to down size your house, sell a car, eat less at restuarants, adjust your lifestlye for the Gospel of Jesus Christ so those who have not heard of Jesus, can have a chance to do so. 

Thanks for the prayers,


tim ramos

Guatemala Day 20

WOW…I cannot believe I have been here for 20 days already.  Time sure does fly.  It has been a great trip so far, well worth it.  God is using me to work with some pastors who are in training.  It has been awesome seeing their passion to serve the Lord.  They do not have 25% of what we have in the States, but they are faithful.  Iglesia Biblica is church where I am helping at, and they are realy reaching out to the community.  They are actually doing more than many churches in the states.  Agian, they dont have much, but they believe God will provide everything they need to minister to people.  Two weeks ago, we launched a partnership program with Compassion, trying to help kids get sponsored, that way they can have an opportunity to have a decient life.  Over 150 kids are waiting to get sponsored.  It is exciting to see this.

God has really been challenging me to trust Him even more with my stuff.  About 2 years ago, I quit my job to make myself available to travel and speak to youth and singles and do missions.  It has been an awesome journey to see God in the bad time and the good times.  Yes, it has been easy, there have been days where it was tough, but God has been faithful like always.  Some times we pray to God for more faith, but in order to grow in faith, sometimes God has to take away things to grow in faith.  But the reality is, there are people who are dying for Christ around the world, my brothers and sisters are dying for their Faith and they are passionatley doing it.  So why shouldn’t I give my job, car, house, future for the sake of the Gospel.  The invitation of Jesus was never to pack your bags, load up your car and then follow him.  He said, to deny yourself, take up your cross and then follow Him.  He even told one rich guy to sell everything and then follow him.  He even told another guy that he could become homeless if he wanted to follow Jesus.  We often do not here sermons like that because the fact is we like a comfortable life, no pain, no trials, but following Jesus brings the opposite, but for the Glory of HIM.   Who are you living for, who are you worshipping, who are you dying for?

Thanks for all the prayers and love offerings that have been given.  There is still time to give.  You can go to the DONATE page and give so you can be a blessing over here.

For HIM,


tim ramos

Guatemala Day 16

Today was a great day in the House of the Lord.  Awesome time of fellowship and worshipping through song and the Word.  Fellowship is the key of this church here in Guatemala.  Every Sunday, at least one or two families have come over to the pastors house to eat lunch and have coffee for hours.  I love that.  This week is gonna be a great week, lots of things to do.

This past weekend I had the chance to relax a little.  I went to one of the members house which is about an hour away and just hung out.  I went swimming, played tennis and ate fresh coconut.

Pray for God to continue to open up opportunities to serve him.


tim ramos

Guatemala Day 9

This weekend has been a great one.  Saturday was a day of just hanging out and making new friends.  One thing people do over in here in Guatemala is that they love to fellowship with one another.  Just sitting down drinking coffee and eating pan dulce.  Peoples houses are open to everyone from the church.  I really love that.

Today, Sunday was a great day of worshipping and praising my God.  It is neat to get together with my brothers and sisters and worship the Lord.  God is doing a great work over here and the people are seeking after him.  This week has been just awesome and I cannot wait for this week.  God is teaching me alot of things and I am seeking Him for some details for my future.  Their are many opportunites for me, and all are great, but want to be in HIS will.

I hope you all have a great week.
