tim ramos

God is faithful

Just waking up everyday and recieving new grace and mercy is something I totally take for granted.  How many time have I just walk right out of bed and not give glory to God for new mercies and grace.  I do wake up and give thanks for a new day, but often I forget what comes with a new day.  God has been faithful in my life, giving me new mercies everyday.  Why he choses me, I don’t know, but I am grateful that he does.  Speaking of new mercies and grace, it looks like God might be taking me on a new journey.  There looks like a new opportunity, ministry, job that might take place.  Would you please pray that this would be of God and I would be faithful to His calling.  Hopefully I will share more good news later if all goes through.  God is just so faithful.


2 replies on “God is faithful”

Hey, how you doing? Ive been checking you on FB and praying for ya!
How’s everything going my friend? Thanks for your greetings and prayers. Keep going man!


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