tim ramos

Christmas Holidays


I am back home in Houston for the Holidays.  Been here for a week and leave back to Guatemala on the 29th.  I praise God for giving me time to spend with my family and also preach at a few churches, sharing about what I am doing in Guatemala.  My prayer is that you would enjoy the Christmas Holidays the way Jesus meant for us to celebrate.  I pray that you would, as a family or individual find some one who you could be a blessing to this Christmas.  I challenge you to put someone else first and then you.  Be a blessing to someone.  Take a few minustes and pray for the folks that I am working with in Guatemala, that God would allow me to show them the Love of Jesus.  I you have an awesome Christmas in Jesus’ name.




tim ramos

$32 for 32 wonderful years

Help Celebrate my 32nd Birthday by donating $32 to Tim Ramos Ministries to help kids you are in need have a chance to experience life.  Thank you for being apart of my life and for those who will be changes because of Jesus Christ.

tim ramos

Serving in Guatemala

tim ramos

it’s been a while…

wow….it has been a long time since I have written on this page.  It has been a good break, lots has happened and God is doing a great work.  I hope to get back in sharing with you all that God is doing.  God is opening up many doors and opportunities to serve him.  I am now back in Cedar Hill, Texas working for a Christian band “Shane and Shane.”  I am having a blast being with these guys and doing ministry with them.  Please continue to pray for the ministry that God would continue to do awesome things and that He may be Glorified.

in Him,


tim ramos

Pujols: More than the Game

Pujols: More than the game by Scott Lamb and Tim Ellsworth is such a great book to read, especaily those who are sports fans.  I know there are many athletes who say the believe in God or are Christians, but Albert Pujols is one of those who you don’t have to question his faith.  Lamb and Ellsworth did a great job in sharing about Albert’s life.  Memories from his childhood in Dominican Republic, highschool and college make you feel like have known Albert for a long time.  The book is covered with his sports achievements, what he has accomplish on the field.  He has set the standard high and continues to wow people with his game.  What I really enjoyed about this book, is about his personal faith in Jesus Christ.  Albert is not afraid to share about his faith and yet demonstrate his faith.  I have friends who know Albert and they speak volume of what he does in his church and ministry.  Alberts family has a foundation that helps those who have a child with Down Syndrome.  He is very generous with his money.  The book is a great read for men no matter if they are sports fans or not.  He will challenge all men to share their faith and be strong Husbands and Fathers in the home.  Lamb and Ellsworth did a great job in putting this book together.  I would encourage others to get this book and read about Alberts life and career.

This is my personal review of PUJOLS:More than the game

tim ramos

Being a Missionary here in the Valley

Serving God is the joy of my life.  Because of God’s grace and mercy, he is using me in the valley.  When we think of missions, we usually think of some place around the world, such as China, Africa, Thailand, India and tons of other cities and countries.  The Lord has challenged me to be a missionary here in the valley.  There is such a great need for the Gospel here in the Valley.  Many families are living in some of the worst conditions possible.  Children are looking for food just to live on.  God has challenge me to live a basic life to serve and help here in the Valley.  I am assisting a church here in Las Milpas working with the Youth and serving the community.  There are thousands of needs here in the Valley and through your help we can meet those needs.  Missions is just not for those over seas, but right here in our own country.  Would you pray on how you can help meet those needs.  Prayer is the most important, but helping financially will help the ministry in a mighty way.  Pray how God could use you to bless others.


tim ramos

Leaving a Legacy

Last night I had the opportunity to preach at my church, Primera Bautista en Las Milpas.  My message was about breaking the chains…and leaving a Legacy.  Being Hispanic, God has allowed me to grow up in a wonderful home, God fearing home.  Unfortunately that is not the case for many hispanic families.  I challenged the dads in my church to Ephesians 6:4…to train and raise up their children in the Lord.  Deutoronomy also tells fathers in what to do.  To raise their children in the WORD of the Lord…to teach them that there is only one LORD.  God also warns those that do not obey the commandments, God will punish the sins of the Father up to the 3rd and 4th generations.  As look across unto the Hipanic cultural, I beleive we are suffering because of our fore fathers did not fear the Lord.  We lead in most high school drop out, teenage pregnacy, most inmates in prison and in poverty.  I beleive God is giving us what we wanted.  I challenge my faith family to break the cycle and follow the LORD.

tim ramos

The Valley

Hey everyone, hope all is going well.  It has been a while since I have written.  New things are taking place here in the valley.  I am helping at a church as youth pastor at Primera Iglesia Bautista Las Milpas.  It is a challenge, but God is doing great things.  It is a step of faith being here in the valley, but I like the challenge, nowing that whatever happens, its because of God.  Pray about how you can help meet the needs in the valley.  There are thousand of needs to be met here in the valley.  Remember, God has blessed you so you can be a blessing to others.  Thanks in advance.


tim ramos

God is faithful

Just waking up everyday and recieving new grace and mercy is something I totally take for granted.  How many time have I just walk right out of bed and not give glory to God for new mercies and grace.  I do wake up and give thanks for a new day, but often I forget what comes with a new day.  God has been faithful in my life, giving me new mercies everyday.  Why he choses me, I don’t know, but I am grateful that he does.  Speaking of new mercies and grace, it looks like God might be taking me on a new journey.  There looks like a new opportunity, ministry, job that might take place.  Would you please pray that this would be of God and I would be faithful to His calling.  Hopefully I will share more good news later if all goes through.  God is just so faithful.


tim ramos

“Seeds of Turmoil”

I really would like to recommend you getting a copy of “Seeds of Turmiol” by Bryant Wright.  In watching the news latley, alot of coverage is about what is taking place in Egypt.  Wright in his book actually explains what all this chaos is about.  His simple and easy to read book, explains and gives you a better understanding of the circumstanes that are taking place in Egypt and the Middle East.  I always new the reason for the crisis in the Middle East, but Wright has helped me to actually understand some small details that are alos important to know.  As most of us know, this chaos goes all the way back to the book of Genesis, where Abraham and Sarah disobeyed God and took matters into their own hands.  One lack of faith, sin has led and caused over 2,000 yrs of fighting in the Middle East.  Wright will take you through the story in Genesis and explain in more details and give history on to where the Middle East is at today.  I really enjoyed reading “Seeds of Turmoil.”  Being someone who has a hard time with History, Wright made it easy to understand the issues of the Middle East.  It is not going to get better, but we are commanded to Pray for them.

Tim Ramos

This is my personal review on “Seeds of Turmoil” by Bryant Wright for booksneeze