tim ramos


I just finished my copy of “Radical” from David Platt. all I can say.  Jesus has called us to live a Radical life for Him and the problems that is the only way he meant it to be.  Our churches here in America have bought into the America Dream and we as believers are chasing after that dream, when the reality is Jesus calls us to a different life style.  I challenge you to pick up a copy of this book and allow the Holy Spirit to open your heart and mind to what Jesus commands from us.  We are called, that is everyone who calls Jesus, Lord and Savior to go into ALL THE WORLD AND MAKE DISCIPLES.  It is our duty to go over seas and feed the children in poverty, help the poor and give our lives so other may hear the name of Jesus and given a chance to call on HIM for salvation.  God is doing great things all around the world, join in and do what He has commanded us to do.  Get your hands on a copy of this book and get one for a friend or two.
