tim ramos

Guatemala Day 7

Today has been pretty good so far.  I started off the day at 7am running and playing basketball.  I must exercise because the way they are feeding me here I am gonna get even bigger.  Most of the day I have just been sitting here in the office with some of the pastors who are in training, Just talking about God and learning from the Word.  At the church, they have a cooking class so I was able to go and test their food for them.  Lots of Guatemala food and desserts.  Tonight I am gonna hang out with the Pastor and His family.  This week I have been staying with one of the Pastors in Training with his family.  They have been super awesome to me.

God is really using this church..Iglesia Biblical de Lamas Norte.  They are really having an impact on their community.  Sad to say, but they are doing alot more than many of the churches in US.  One thing the Lord has been teaching me the last couple of months and through this church, is it is not how much you have or give, God just wants your OBEDIENCE and Faithfulness.  God is using this church because they are willing to trust him with the things they have, and God is rewarding them.   They do not have the top notch programs, events, or facilities, they have the Holy Spirit and that is enough for them.  People over here do not have much, but they a content with the Lord.

Are you giving your leftovers to God or are you giving Him everything.

