tim ramos

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.  I sure did, spent time with my family and ate tons of food.  It is always a blessing to be with family.  I hope and pray that you reached out to some one as well during Christmas.  The most important part is sharing Jesus with others.  I have been praying for a coworker of mine who is 23 years old and battleing cancer.  God has been allowing me to share the gospel with him and I hope one day he will respond to the Gospel.  On Christmas Eve I was able to deliver some food and gifts to his house to help out his Mom and brother.  Pray for him that God would touch his heart and draw him to Jesus.

2011 is just around the corner and I hope you take some time to reflect on this year to make 2011 more for the Gospel and the Kingdom.  I want to challenge you to think how you can give up of yourself for the sake of the Gospel so that those who haven’t hear may hear of the name of the one and only who can save lives and that is Jesus Christ.  Make 2011 not about you but about the glory of Jesus.  God has been faithful this year 2010 and I cannot wait the experience more of Jesus in 2011.

For HIS Glory,


tim ramos

Leaving a Legacy…..Grandma Lopez

This past Sunday night my dear Grandmother from my mom’s side of the family went home to be with her Heavenly Father.  Grandma was one of the strongest woman I have ever known.  She loved the Lord and served Him Faithfuly to the end.  Testemonies from those who new her all had one thing in common, “she loved Jesus”.  Some of my memories of grandma are going on mission trips with her.  I think we went on 5 to 6 trips together to the Rio Grand Valley and across to boarder to Carmargo, Cadillo and other small towns in Mexico.  Her last mission trip that she went on, she was probably 75 years old.  She loved going on trips to share the LOVE of Jesus.  She loved teaching arts and crafts and thats what she would do to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  My grandma was a warrior, a fighter, a giver, a lover and one of the most selfless person in the world.  I am greatful to have had a grandmother like her.  She will be missed by many but one day I will be able to see her again in Heaven.  I feel like Timothy from the Bible, being that my mom and grandmother have taught me the ways of the LORD.

I hope one day that I will leave a legacy to my kids, that they may Serve and Honor the LORD.

In HIm,


tim ramos

Already December!!!

Can you beleive it?  It is already December, wow this year has gone by so fast.  Well December means Christmas and for alot of us, that means buying lots of presents to please family and friends.  Many Christians celebrate Christmas and totally miss out on Jesus.  Jesus is Christmas, He is the reason why we can celebrate Christmas.  I want to challenge you to make this Christmas different, one that you and your family will remember for years to come.  Think about a way that you and your family can make a diference for someone else this year,  maybe it might going on a mission trip providing gifts for children or going to the needy and providing them a meal or clothes. You could also use some of the money that you would use to spend on gifts and donate to a ministry of some sort.  There are tons of opportunities to serve others.  The purpose is to make this Christmas not about you, but about JESUS.  People need to hear about Jesus and also see through his people that HE is worthy of our lives.  Make this Christmas an important one for others to see and know JESUS.  He is the REASON for Christmas.
