tim ramos

Already December!!!

Can you beleive it?  It is already December, wow this year has gone by so fast.  Well December means Christmas and for alot of us, that means buying lots of presents to please family and friends.  Many Christians celebrate Christmas and totally miss out on Jesus.  Jesus is Christmas, He is the reason why we can celebrate Christmas.  I want to challenge you to make this Christmas different, one that you and your family will remember for years to come.  Think about a way that you and your family can make a diference for someone else this year,  maybe it might going on a mission trip providing gifts for children or going to the needy and providing them a meal or clothes. You could also use some of the money that you would use to spend on gifts and donate to a ministry of some sort.  There are tons of opportunities to serve others.  The purpose is to make this Christmas not about you, but about JESUS.  People need to hear about Jesus and also see through his people that HE is worthy of our lives.  Make this Christmas an important one for others to see and know JESUS.  He is the REASON for Christmas.
