Here is a book by Francis Chan that I recommend people to read. It has helped change my view of life, especially as a follower of Christ. Many people are upset because of the Health Care system and the economy. As believers, why are we angry or scared when in reality we serve and belong to the God who created the universe. He is my provider and my healer, I run to HIM first for everything. In this book, it talks about how as Followers of Jesus Christ we should already be helping those around us. One thing I have heard about people complaining about this health care system is that it is going to cost them more money. “I am gonna have to pay more taxes”, people say. That money is not yours in the first place, it belongs to God. We are suppos to be helping the poor and needy around us, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ. The church in the New Testament according to the book of Acts, says that no one in the church was in need, because everyone gave and sold belongings to help the church. Most Christians are self center when it comes to there money. Its about them and what they have, before they even think about others. It’s sad that God has to use the government to make us Christians help those in need. Many will say it is there fault that they are in need and in poverty. The fact is it is by God’s grace that you are not in need and in poverty so that you can glorify and praise God for that and in return desire to help those around you. Again, I challenge you to read this book and of course the BIBLE so you can learn and follow Jesus Christ.
with a Crazy Love,