tim ramos

Reaching those around you for Christ

I know we talk and preach about evangelizing and doing missions all the time in our churches.  Yes, we should be preaching about it, but the epistle of James mentions, “don’t just be hearers of the Word, but be doers of the Word.”  I believe many of us church goers do exactly that.  We hear the Word, but not do anything about it.  This past Sunday, our Youth Pastor Luke Allen preached to the church on how God has given each one of us who profess HIM as Lord and Savior the ministry of reconciliation.  God has given us to duty to reach those around you for Christ.  God did not give you a job just to go and earn money.  No, he gave you a job so you can build relationships with your coworkers so you can share Christ with them.  God did not allow your son or daughter to play sports on a team so they can make it professionally.  No, He allowed your kids to play sports so you can build relationships with the other moms and dads so you can share Christ with them.  God didn’t just send you to college to get an education.  No, He sent you so you can build relationships with your roommates, classmates, and professors so you can lead them to Christ.  If we think about it, everything that we are apart of is because God has allowed you to do so, with the purpose of us leading people to HIM.  Francis Chan has written a book called “Crazy Love”, which I recommend everyone to read, but He gets to the point of that the world is tired of the church just talking about God, and they are ready the Church to live for Him.  His book is a challenge for all Christians to understand the God we serve and to live a radical life for Jesus.  We are to live a life that is worthy for our King and that means doing whatever it takes to share Christ with others.  We are to give up our lives for others so that they may hear about Christ and believe in Him as well.  Are you reaching those around you?

One reply on “Reaching those around you for Christ”

Tim, I second that recommendation on Chan’s book “Crazy Love”. I am going through that study with my Young Adults Class and it has been illuminating as he probes in the apathy of civilized christians. As he ask the question where are the christians who count there life cheap and think of the God Eternal instead of there best life now.

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” – I Corinthians 10:31-

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