tim ramos

Getting Older

WOW…on November 13th Lord Willing, I will be turning 30 yrs old.  Time has surely flown by quickly.  I am amazed and bless to be where I am at today.  It is all by the GRACE of God, by the mercy of my Lord and Saviour.  God has allowed me to be apart of HIS Kingdom.  I cannot complain about my years the Lord has given.  I pray that God would continue shaping me and giving me faith to be obedient and faithful to the ministry He has given me.  May God allow me many more years for HIS glory.  One of the beauties of getting older is drawing closer to God, seeing Him guide and direct your life.  When I look at my past, I see the Hand of God over my life and through growing closer to HIM, I look forward to the years ahead.

Soli Deo Gloria..
