tim ramos

Guatemala Day 34

Well my day are narrowing down here in Guatemala.  Time sure has flown bye.  I am kind of bummed about heading back home.  God has really blessed my time here and wish I could stay longer.  I see myself coming back pretty soon for a longer period of time.  There is just so much work to be done over here and I really want to help.  My heart goes out to alot of places and hopefuly God would allow me to  visit those places as well. 

One of the thoughest issue for me is what do I do next.  I just want to be obedient to the Lord, and want to grow more in faith in HIM.  Sometimes it doesn’t make sense following Jesus, but I want to be willing and ready for whatever He wants me to do.  If I stay in the US, I feel the Lord leading me to start a church.  I feel that the church is in a decline spiritualy in the states.  Very few churches are actually getting what it means to be a follower of Jesus.  I am not saying I have all the answers to solve the issues, but God has really given me a passion to reach out to the community in a different way.  I have really been enjoying listening to David Platt, pastor of The Church at Brookhills.  I love what he is doing and how he is really challenging his congregation to step it up and live the only way possible and that is a Radical life for Jesus. 

Please pray that my next few days would be fruitful here in Guatemala for His Kingdom.
