tim ramos

Living for the Kingdom

Blessings to everyone!!!!  Everyday I am amazed that God has allowed me to be apart of His Kingdom.  I count if all joy to live my life for the sake of the Kingdom.  It it always easy, not always.  There are days that I wonder if I am doing the right thing.  Some times God will lead to do something that doesnt make sense.  We have to go through trials to gain faith and trust in the Lord.  Jesus is worth giving my life for the Kingdom.  That has been my prayer to God that he would transform my life, my thinking and the way I live for the sake of the poor and lost around me.  This means giving up my dreams and my desires for the sake of the Kingdom.  This is nothing new thoughm this is the invitation Jesus gives to those who want to follow HIM.  Give up everything, and then follow HIM.  There are times where I don’t understand things in my life, but getting to draw closer and nearer to the LORD is the beauty facing trials and challenges.  What are you living for, and most of all WHO are you living for.  God wants to do a great work through you.

Please continue to pray for the ministry.  It has been a little slow, so pray for opportunities to open up.  Pray for new directions as well.

For the Kingdom,
