tim ramos

Guatemala Day 24

These last couple of weeks being here in Guatemala, I have been going over “Crazy Love”  by Francis Chan and “Radical”  by David Platt and of course diggin in the WORD.  God has really been diggin into my heart and shaping me to be more like HIM.  I can’t find any thing more satisfying than sharing the Gospel of Jesus to people.  My prayer is that God would continue to take away the things in my life that do not honor Him.  I want to have a Crazy Love for Jesus and live a Radical life for HIM.  As the apostle Paul wrote, I account all cost for the sake of the Gospel, that everyone may have a chance of hearing the name of Jesus.  There is so much need here in Guatemala, and I cannot imagine the rest of the world.  God is faithful and raising up a generation of people to go unto the world, but we need more people with a crazy and radical love for Jesus.  Are you willing to down size your house, sell a car, eat less at restuarants, adjust your lifestlye for the Gospel of Jesus Christ so those who have not heard of Jesus, can have a chance to do so. 

Thanks for the prayers,
