tim ramos

Guatemala Day 30

Today was a great day of worship in the House of the Lord.  It is beautiful to get together with other brothers and sisters and worship our Saviour.  Friday and Saturday I hosted a revival at the church here in Guatemala.  My passion is to see young people seeking and following the Lord.  To many are caught up in this world of junk, but I fight the battle to see people come to Christ.  So Friday and Saturday was a time to come together and here the WORD preached.  God moved in a mighty way.  The situations that many teenagers come from really scares me.  Their living conditions, education and just the things they face in life make me feel like a wimp.  These teenagers are going through a tough time.  I spoke on God’s love for them and how they could be the ones to change the cycle of their families situations.  Many do not have hope, are discouraged and lost, but many broke down and were able to talk about some of the junk in their lives.  Please continue to pray for these youth so God would put his hands around them and guide them in HIS steps.

God has been teaching me many things.  Sometimes I feel like not even going back to the states.  I have really enjoyed my time here and the need is great here.  Our lives in America is so comfortable and our spiritual lives seem very weak.  Please pray for me as I seek the Lord for my future, to be obedient to HIM.
