WOW…I cannot believe I have been here for 20 days already. Time sure does fly. It has been a great trip so far, well worth it. God is using me to work with some pastors who are in training. It has been awesome seeing their passion to serve the Lord. They do not have 25% of what we have in the States, but they are faithful. Iglesia Biblica is church where I am helping at, and they are realy reaching out to the community. They are actually doing more than many churches in the states. Agian, they dont have much, but they believe God will provide everything they need to minister to people. Two weeks ago, we launched a partnership program with Compassion, trying to help kids get sponsored, that way they can have an opportunity to have a decient life. Over 150 kids are waiting to get sponsored. It is exciting to see this.
God has really been challenging me to trust Him even more with my stuff. About 2 years ago, I quit my job to make myself available to travel and speak to youth and singles and do missions. It has been an awesome journey to see God in the bad time and the good times. Yes, it has been easy, there have been days where it was tough, but God has been faithful like always. Some times we pray to God for more faith, but in order to grow in faith, sometimes God has to take away things to grow in faith. But the reality is, there are people who are dying for Christ around the world, my brothers and sisters are dying for their Faith and they are passionatley doing it. So why shouldn’t I give my job, car, house, future for the sake of the Gospel. The invitation of Jesus was never to pack your bags, load up your car and then follow him. He said, to deny yourself, take up your cross and then follow Him. He even told one rich guy to sell everything and then follow him. He even told another guy that he could become homeless if he wanted to follow Jesus. We often do not here sermons like that because the fact is we like a comfortable life, no pain, no trials, but following Jesus brings the opposite, but for the Glory of HIM. Who are you living for, who are you worshipping, who are you dying for?
Thanks for all the prayers and love offerings that have been given. There is still time to give. You can go to the DONATE page and give so you can be a blessing over here.
For HIM,